There isn’t that much of a lighter note to the Richard Hammond story (see Blog below), but there’s a picture in the paper today which will please Richard no end when he sets eyes on it.
Aficionados of “Top Gear” will be aware that Hammond is slightly more vertically challenged than Clarkson. Those of you with an analytical bent, where only the absolute figures will do, will be pleased to read that Hammond is 5’7” tall, whereas Clarkson isn’t. He’s 6’4”, some 9” nearer the sun. And, being Clarkson, he doesn’t ever let Hammond get away with his miniatureness.
Aficionados of “Top Gear” will be aware that Hammond is slightly more vertically challenged than Clarkson. Those of you with an analytical bent, where only the absolute figures will do, will be pleased to read that Hammond is 5’7” tall, whereas Clarkson isn’t. He’s 6’4”, some 9” nearer the sun. And, being Clarkson, he doesn’t ever let Hammond get away with his miniatureness.

But just look at the picture – I suspect the Picture Editor couldn’t resist.
Actually, I’ve just used Microsoft’s extremely helpful Spell Checker on this notelet, and it advised me that the word “Blog” doesn’t exist, and that perhaps I would like to change it to “Bog”.
Does it know something I don’t?
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